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Why is trust important in a relationship?

Trusting each other is essential to succeed in your relationship. Can you imagine living a life with your spouse without trust? In this case, if you want to share a secret with your partner, you would just feel unsure, or when reading a message, who would not trust and think he/she is lying to you? Such situations can be numerous. Relationships are really difficult to maintain. In this context, each and every minute of your life would just turn into a nightmare, in case partners do not trust each other. In fact, a couple’s relationship without trust would resemble just chaos and it would be dysfunctional. This blog post talks about trust and the necessity of it to maintain a strong and healthy relationship. You can also reveal a lot of other topics on couple‘s relationships on our Blog page.



Trust is what a healthy relationship hinges upon

Trust is the pivotal cornerstone of the couple’s relationship. It is the faith that you have in someone, in terms of believing that your life partner will always remain loyal to you and love you unconditionally. Trusting someone is connected with confidently relying on him/her. Actually, trust is the solid foundation upon which healthy relationships are built. So, without trust, your relationship would not have a long life, and its foundation would be shaky. In other words, one of the first and pivotal things you should be curious about is building trust and always working to keep it strong.


Why exactly trust is a necessity to have a strong relationship?

Having faith in your life partner is essential for a relationship to remain strong and to survive during the hardest times of your life. It is an undeniable fact that you cannot sustain your relationship for a long time if there is no trust. Thus, lack of trust is one of the main reasons for relationships to fall apart. Here you can see the fundamental reasons why trust is the driving factor in each relationship.


  • Love cannot exist without trust. As already mentioned, love is the main foundation of any relationship, upon which a long-lasting connection rests. Just like a child trusts her mother and thus loves her, your partner needs to feel how trustworthy you are. Your life partner should be convinced of the fact that you will never leave him/her in difficult times. This feeling is extremely critical for love to flourish.
  • Trust is what contributes to overcoming obstacles. Trust is the binding factor for all crackers. When there is trust in a relationship, you surely know that you can overcome all your problems and thereby feel safe and secure.
  • Trust also helps you in controlling your emotions. The degree of trust you have toward your lovely person determines how much of yourself you are ready and want to give to him/her. So, when some situations of hurt or annoyance occur, in the case of trusting your partner, you would be sure that behind any annoying behavior, there would be a solid reason.
  • Trust is a pivotal factor in healing. When you get hurt by your spouse. trust is what makes you go over the issues you have with your spouse.
  • Trust triggers positivity in a relationship. In the case of trusting your partner, you would surely be more open and giving. If you trust your spouse, you would be more likely to forgive his/her shortcomings and some traits of behavior that are irritating to you. The core reason is that you believe in them, and know they have your back, upon which they rely.
  • Conflicts can readily be solved if spouses trust each other. Another key advantage of having trust in a relationship is that it helps you in navigating conflicts. When you love and trust your partner, you are more likely to be willing to overlook the existing problems and find relevant solutions. Even in case of a conflict, if you get disappointed by your partner, you would be more likely to forgive your lovely person and only concentrate on the good.
  • Trust teaches you to value personal time and space. Specifically, when you trust someone, you do not feel insecure to give your partner their personal space. In fact, trust is only triggering closeness, regardless of the obstacles.
  • Closeness only increases, in case of trust between spouses. Establishing strong ties of trust results in creating a healthy foundation to develop your relationship. The convenience of being able to trust your partner contributes to closeness and safety. When you trust your partner, you will feel safety, comfort, and care, knowing that you can rely on your spouse for all questions and issues.


Trusting your partner enables you to get relaxed and reset your emotions and nerves. Setting up a solid foundation of trust is directly leading to creating a source of healing for both parties.



How can you build trust in your relationship?

Trust should be from both of the parts: you should trust and equally be trusted. To get to this position, both parties should exert enough effort and commitment. To build trust on solid ground, you first need to understand each other’s expectations and how you value trust. Below are presented a couple of ways to build trust in a relationship.


  1. Admit your mistakes. It is normal and natural to make some mistakes. However, it is extremely important to have the courage to admit them. Undoubtedly, the first step to creating trust is to accept your mistakes. Never try to cover up what you have done mistakenly: it would only exacerbate the situation. Mistake acceptance is a proof to your partner that you strive to build trust.
  2. Be indulgent and learn to forgive each other. When your spouse makes mistakes, remember that no one is infallible. So, in such situations, just be humble enough to forgive. Do not hold on to past fights, forgive, and leave anything negative in the past. It is now that matters. 
  3. Get your trust. Trust is not earned out of nothing. You need to work on it through your proper actions and behavior.
  4. Resolve rifts. It is of crucial importance to resolve the issues of your relationship as and when they arise. Try to resolve them and move on. Remember to never brush them under the carpet, instead come up with relevant and effective solutions.
  5. Be exemplary to your spouse. You should behave the way you want your spouse to behave. Everything relies on this simple rule. Be truthful, caring, responsible, and honest: treat your spouse the way you want to be treated and your partner would learn to reciprocate.
  6. Always be an active listener. When your spouse is explaining something to you or just talking to you, learn to listen carefully and without judging. As a consequence, they will also learn to listen to you carefully and treat you with thorough respect. This habit would lead to building the foundation for trust.
  7. Always keep your promises. Whenever making a promise, you should ensure that you will always stick to it. Never make promises for the sake of making your spouse happy. It is very easy to make a promise, but your readiness to keep it is what makes the whole difference. When you break your promise, it is the easiest and shortest way to breach your trust.
  8. Be interested. Learn your partner’s tastes and hobbies. Show your profound interest in your partner, by asking questions and being inquisitive. In case your spouse notices your sincerity, you will gain his/her trust.
  9. Face your doubts. Whenever having some doubts, the only way you should go for is to clarify them by talking to your partner, instead of hesitating to ask the questions that interest you.
  10. Be empathetic. Try to understand your partner, by putting yourself in their shoes. Try to understand and fulfill their needs.
  11. Keep secrets. Keep your and your spouse’s secrets private. Private needs to be kept private. Never let outsiders intrude into your private space and uncover your secrets.
  12. Keep transparency in communication. Talk to your partner honestly and openly. The best conversations are held in person, neither by texting nor by phone calls. Moreover, messages can be misinterpreted. The key benefit of face-to-face communication is that you can see your partner’s emotions, and body language and keep emotional sincerity. Effective and honest communication is an essential element in building trust.
  13. Always be ready to support each other. Being supportive in a relationship is one of the most essential characteristics of creating a healthy relationship. When you show support to your partner, you just make them more prone to growth, as they would take risks and would readily try new things. The key point here is that your spouse would be sure that he/she can fall back on you for support.
  14. Instead of judging, just love. Do not criticize or judge your partner. You should constructively present your opinions, so that you would assist your partner to grow. Learn to respect each other’s differences and peculiarities without any criticism.